Monday, April 24, 2017

The Punjab Protection of Medicare Service Persons And Medicare Service Institutions ( Prevention of Violence and Damage to Property Act, 2008


   Regd.No. CHD/0092/2006-2008

Punjab Government Gazette
Published by Authority
( KARTIKA 09,1930 SAKA )
Contents                                           Pages         
Part I                                          Acts
                   The Punjab Protection of Medicare Service Persons
                   And Medicare Service Institutions ( Prevention of
                   Violence and Damage to Property Act, 2008

                         ( Punjab Act No.26 of 2008 )                    … 111- 113
Part II                                     Ordinances
Part III                                    Delegated Legislation
Part IV                 Corrections, Slips, Republications and Replacements

                                                          ( cv)
                             LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS , PUNJAB                     111
The 30th.October , 2008
No.29 Leg/ 2008 – The Following Act of the Legislature of the people of Punjab received the assent of Governor of Punjab on the 10th.October 2008, and is hereby published for general information:-
The Punjab Protection of Medicare Service Persons
                   And Medicare Service Institutions ( Prevention of
                   Violence and Damage to Property Act, 2008

                           ( Punjab Act No.26 of 2008 )
To Provide for protection of Medicare Service Persons and Medicare Service Institutions in the State of Punjab and for prevention of violence and damage to the property and for the matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Be it enacted  by the Legislature of the State of Punjab in the Fifty- ninth Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
1.      ( 1). This Act may be called the Punjab Protection of Medicare     Short Title and
Service Persons and Medicare Service Institutions                        commencement
 ( Prevention of violence and Damage to the Property ) Act 2008.
               (2). It shall come into force at once.

       2.  Be this Act unless the context otherwise requires: -                                 Definitions
     (a).  “ Medicare Service Institution” means an institution
                 Providing Medicare service either in the Medicare
    Service Institution or through Mobile Medical Unit
    or by arranging Medical camps, which is under the
    control of the Central Government or the State  
     Government or a local body including any private hospital
     having facility of treatment of the sick and used for their
     reception or stay , any private maternity home , where women
     are usually received and accommodated for the purpose of
     Confinement and ante-natal and post-natal care in connection
     with the child birth or anything connected therewith and
     any private nursing home used or intended to be used for the
     reception and accommodation of the persons suffering from
     any sickness, injury or infirmity whether of body or mind ,
     and providing treatment of nursing or both of them and includes
     convalescent  at home :

                                          PUNJAB GOVT. ( EXTRA……                           112
KRTK. 8, 1930 SAKA )
 (b)          “ Medicare Service Person” in relation to a Medicare
      Service Institution, shall include :-
(i)                 Registered Medical Practitioner , Registered Practitioner and Practitioner working in a Medicare Service Institution :
(ii)               Nurse:
(iii)             Auxiliary Nurse and Mid – Wife
(iv)             Nurse dai;
(v)               Trained dai;
(vi)             Medical Student
(vii)           Nursing Student
(viii)         Para Medical Worker ; and
(ix)             Other staff or workers directly or indirectly engaged by a Medicare Service Institution for providing the required services:
Explanation:- For the purpose of this Act, the expressions Registered Medical Practitioner, Medical Practitioner, Practitioner, Nurse, Auxiliary Nurse and Midwife, and trained dai, shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in the Punjab Medical Registration Act,1916, the Punjab Nurses Registration Act 1932, the Punjab Ayurvedic and Unani Practitioners Act 1963 and the Punjab Homeopathic Practitioners Act 1965:

(c )       “Medical Student” means a student, who is undergoing training or studies
              in medical profession ;

(d)         “Mobile Medical Unit”- means an ambulance equipped with medical
              equipment used for providing Medicare services

(e)         “Nursing Student” means a student, who is undergoing training or studies
              in nursing profession ;

(f)          “Offender” means any person , who either by himself or as a member or
               leader of a group of persons or organization commits or attempts to
               commit or abets or incites the commission of violence:

(g)          “Paramedical Worker” means a person who assists the Medicare
               Service Person Providing Medicare Service;

( h)         “Property” shall include both moveable and immovable property ; and

( i)           “violence” means any act, which causes or may cause any injury , injury or endanger life , obstruct or hinder any Medicare Service Person in the discharge of his duty in a Medicare Service Institution or damage to property in Medicare Service Institution.

                                       PUNJAB GOVT. ( EXTRA……                         113
KRTK. 8, 1930 SAKA )

3.         Any act of violence against Medicare Service Person or damage            prohibition of
           To property in a Medicare Service Institution, shall be prohibited           violence

4.         An offender, who commits any act in contravention of the                      Penalty
              provisions of this Act, shall be punished with an imprisonment,
            which may extend to One year or with Fine, which may extend
            to fifty thousand rupees or with both.

5.         Any Offence committed under this Act, shall be cognizable                    Cognizance of
              and non-bailable and shall be triable by the Court of Judicial                    offence
            Magistrate of the First Class.

6.         (1)  In addition to the punishment as specified in section 4, the               Recovery of loss
               offender shall also be liable to pay a penalty of twice the amount          for the damage
               of purchase price of medical equipment damaged or loss caused to        caused to the
               the property, as may be determined  by the Court referred to in             property
             section 5   

               (2)  If the offender has not paid the penalty, imposed under
             sub-section (1), the same  shall be recoverable as arrears of land revenue.

7.         The provisions of this Act shall be in addition to the provisions of             Act not in                             
any other    Law , for the time being in force.                                          Derogation of any
                                                                                                                                                       Other law.


                                                                                    REKHA MITTAL
                                                                        Secretary to Government of Punjab
                                                                        Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs.

Above is the Typed Version of Punjab Govt.Notification of “The Punjab Protection of Medicare Service Persons
And Medicare Service Institutions ( Prevention of Violence and Damage to Property Act 2008  ( Punjab Act No.26 of 2008 )                                       … 111- 113                       
Dated Patiala the 22nd May 2014                                [ Dr.Om Parkash Singh Kande, M.D.]
                                                                                           Chairman Legal Cell IMA Punjab

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