Monday, September 15, 2014

Donate money through cheques / drafts in the prime minister’s national relief fund to help the ones who are affected by the flood in jammu-kashmir. People

A meeting was organized by   Sr. Harminder  Singh Kitty Co-convener  Medical Cell  BJP , Ludhiana . In this meeting co-convener  of punjab medical cell bjp  Dr.satish kumar and  convener of Ludhiana medical  cell bjp  dr.subhash singla  came . they discussed about  the flood affected people in  jammu-kashmir . also, a poster was released which had message of narendra modi  appealing to the people of india to donate money through cheques / drafts in the prime minister’s national relief fund to help the ones who are affected by the flood  in jammu-kashmir. People interested to donate can also donate online through the website of prime minister’s office i.e. .
                    Dr.satish kumar said that , “ this flood has brought the people of india together  to help the people who are affected by  the flood without thinking of any difference  in  religion. He salutes the Indian army as they have saved  more than 2 lakh lives  and secured them at safe places,even before whenever there has been a disaster the Indian army has put all its efforts to save our people without caring about their own life. He appealed to all the people to donate money in prime minister’s national relief fund. Dr.subhash said   that narendra modi has kept his word , as he said –that he is the prime minister of 120 crore Indians ,he also cancelled his birthday celebration and devoted his time and money to help the needy. Sr.Harminder singh kitty said that,”in this hour of crisis all of us should unite and help the people of jammu-kashmir to come out of this crisis. He said that as narendra modi cancelled his birthday celebration and did not waste money on it and  is helping the people of jammu-kashmir,we should also reduce our expenses and save money and donate to the prime minister’s national relief fund. Today when the terrorists of Kashmir and the Pakistanis who always showed that they are with the people of jammu –kashmir have suddenly showed their backs in this time of crisis and india and its army  is the only one who is helping  the people affected by the flood.



A meeting was organized by   Sr. Harminder  Singh Kitty Co-convener  Medical Cell  BJP , Ludhiana . In this meeting co-convener  of punjab medical cell bjp  Dr.satish kumar and  convener of Ludhiana medical  cell bjp  dr.subhash singla  came . they discussed about  the flood affected people in  jammu-kashmir . also, a poster was released which had message of narendra modi  appealing to the people of india to donate money through cheques / drafts in the prime minister’s national relief fund to help the ones who are affected by the flood  in jammu-kashmir. People interested to donate can also donate online through the website of prime minister’s office i.e. .
                    Dr.satish kumar said that , “ this flood has brought the people of india together  to help the people who are affected by  the flood without thinking of any difference  in  religion. He salutes the Indian army as they have saved  more than 2 lakh lives  and secured them at safe places,even before whenever there has been a disaster the Indian army has put all its efforts to save our people without caring about their own life. He appealed to all the people to donate money in prime minister’s national relief fund. Dr.subhash said   that narendra modi has kept his word , as he said –that he is the prime minister of 120 crore Indians ,he also cancelled his birthday celebration and devoted his time and money to help the needy. Sr.Harminder singh kitty said that,”in this hour of crisis all of us should unite and help the people of jammu-kashmir to come out of this crisis. He said that as narendra modi cancelled his birthday celebration and did not waste money on it and  is helping the people of jammu-kashmir,we should also reduce our expenses and save money and donate to the prime minister’s national relief fund. Today when the terrorists of Kashmir and the Pakistanis who always showed that they are with the people of jammu –kashmir have suddenly showed their backs in this time of crisis and india and its army  is the only one who is helping  the people affected by the flood.


 A meeting was organized by   Sr. Harminder  Singh Kitty Co-convener  Medical Cell  BJP , Ludhiana . In this meeting co-convener  of punjab medical cell bjp  Dr.satish kumar and  convener of Ludhiana medical  cell bjp  dr.subhash singla  came . they discussed about  the flood affected people in  jammu-kashmir . also, a poster was released which had message of narendra modiprime minister of india  appealing to the people of india to donate money through cheques / drafts in the prime minister’s national relief fund to help the ones who are affected by the flood  in jammu-kashmir. People interested to donate can also donate online through the website of prime minister’s office i.e.


                    Dr.satish kumar said that , “ this flood has brought the people of india together  to help the people who are affected by  the flood without thinking of any difference  in  religion. He salutes the Indian army as they have saved  more than 2 lakh lives  and secured them at safe places,even before whenever there has been a disaster the Indian army has put all its efforts to save our people without caring about their own life. He appealed to all the people to donate money in prime minister’s national relief fund. Dr.subhash said   that narendra modi has kept his word , as he said –that he is the prime minister of 120 crore Indians ,he also cancelled his birthday celebration and devoted his time and money to help the needy. Sr.Harminder singh kitty said that,”in this hour of crisis all of us should unite and help the people of jammu-kashmir to come out of this crisis. He said that as narendra modi cancelled his birthday celebration and did not waste money on it and  is helping the people of jammu-kashmir,we should also reduce our expenses and save money and donate to the prime minister’s national relief fund. Today when the terrorists of Kashmir and the Pakistanis who always showed that they are with the people of jammu –kashmir have suddenly showed their backs in this time of crisis and india and its army  is the only one who is helping  the people affected by the flood.

सीएमसी डॉक्टर ने 1 दिन की बच्ची को बचाया और साबित किया कि "डॉक्टर भगवान का रूप होते हैं"

                       लुधियाना (द पंजाब न्यूज एचएस किट्टी)   25 फरवरी 2023 को अस्पताल के बाहर एलएससीएस द्वारा कुछ घंटे की नवजात बच्ची का...