Sunday, March 31, 2019

dr brown heritage center cmc ludhiana

ਲੁਧਿਆਣਾ ਚ ਸਿਹਤ ਮੰਤਰੀ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਡਾ.ਬਰਾਂਊਨ ਹੈਰੀਟੈਜ ਸੈਂਟਰ ਦਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ.

fire spreads of call for neha shoree Zonal Licensing Authority brutal murder's justice ;Ravi Uday Bhaskar

The All-India Drugs Control Officers’ Confederation (AIDCOC) has strongly condemned the cold-blooded murder of 36-year-old Neha Shoree, an officer in Punjab's Food and Drug Administration. The confederation has also called for nation-wide mourning following her death and has demanded a speedy probe to catch the mastermind behind her killing.
Shoree, who was the Zonal Licensing Authority at Mohali in Punjab, was killed in broad daylight in her office at Kharar by a chemist whose licence she had previously cancelled. While Shoree had cancelled her assailant, Balwinder Singh's licence in 2009, she was scheduled to depose before the court shortly. Singh, who was cornered minutes after he shot her, committed suicide.
AIDCOC has pointed out that many officers across Drug Control Offices work in vulnerable situations like Shoree. The body warned that the situation was alarming as the number of cases, including that of spurious drugs and illegal transit and sale of habit forming intoxicants in the pharmaceutical business were on the rise.
When Shoree raided Balwinder's chemist shop, she recovered 35 types of tablets used by drug addicts, for which he could not provide any supporting documents.
"Shoree was a bold and dedicated officer who lost her life while discharging her official duty. This is the situation in many of the Drugs Control Offices across the country, where we lack enough security and protection while discharging official duties. The nature of work of drugs control officials involves raids and investigations against illegal drug mafias and criminals, and many states do not have enough manpower and machinery to tackle such unscrupulous elements in society," said Ravi Uday Bhaskar, Secretary General of AIDCOC.
Bhaskar further said it is a challenging task for Drugs Control Departments to monitor such activities. "Now, most of the Drugs Control Departments have increased the strength of women officials also, with more than 30 per cent of the total strength across the country, and the government should take steps to provide a safe working environment to all officers."
AIDCOC has urged both the central and state governments’ intervention to immediately equip each Drugs Control Department with enough resources and infrastructure to face such unexpected incidents.
"As a mark of respect and solidarity with the brave deceased officer, AIDCOC has directed all members of its affiliated state associations to wear black ribbons on March 30 and April 1 and also to observe two minutes’ silence in all offices across the country, to pray for the departed soul," Bhaskar said.
Harminder Singh Kitty
Chief Editor

Condoling the death of Neha Shorie who has departed and left us all for her heavenly abode with an ethos burning alive DRUG FREE PUNJAB –Pt Rajan Sharma

 Ludhiana ( Navjeet Mehta ) In an exclusive chat at the maternal home of the gruesomely slain Neha Shorie in her office after showing us the way how to fight this drug menace fearlessly with her Maternal Aunt and few near ones also present there were the grief struck office bearers of the SHRI BRAHAMAN SABHA SAMITI REGD. Chairman Rajan Sharma , Convener Pt Ashwani Sharma , Youth President Bhagwati Prasad Senjwal , Legal Advisor Advocate Prince Sharma, Media Advisor Pt Umesh Grover Sharma, State Vice Chairman Ramesh Sharma , Councilor Ward 65 Smt Poonam Malhotra &  Harminder Singh Kitty Chief Editor The Punjab News today. As all were amused of the facts that revealed how very insecure such lives are who daredevil and raise their voice against the drug Mafia and how very cheaply they are done with. “ Happy Holi Madam “says her Maternal Aunt Asha Sharma w/o Ravi Sharma  as he entered her unguarded and totally unarmed  and opened fire one after the other pumped bullets in the body at a point blank range the daring Lady Drug Inspector just very recently promoted as Asst Drug Controller  a possible threat to the very existence of nefarious Drug Mafia activities in the region quips legal Advisor Prince. The statement was complemented and firmly believed in by each member of the Sabha  and Ms Malhotra. Where they were very firm on their stance that the Govt has to take stern steps. The Brahaman Sabha said her life shall not go waste and demanded a compensation of Rs 1 Crore & a  Govt job to a kin and all expenses born education and upbringing of the tiny daughter of 2 years she has left behind sibling behind . Also stood firm on their stance was the Sabha members that a high level C B I enquiry be ordered though her family her parents were all at their Chandigarh house equally grief struck  and not in Ludhiana . Her Father Kailash Shorie a retd Bank employee of S B I her mother Arun Shorie and her brother Nishant Shorie were not here to comment.

Taking stock of the situation what we all do feel is that surely great steps of caution need to taken by the Govt to ensure safety for all how very priceless the lives of ones who show dare devilry and vow to come down heavily on such nuisances and that too a state where five famous rivers do flow unstoppably and the sixth one of the drug abuse that might start flowing fearlessly with the sacrifice of the life of this young lady many more can march ahead provided the Govt promises security cover up and surely this attempt and our thought a DRUG FREE PUNJAB a reachable milestone very soon.

सीएमसी डॉक्टर ने 1 दिन की बच्ची को बचाया और साबित किया कि "डॉक्टर भगवान का रूप होते हैं"

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