Thursday, November 18, 2010

DMCH Orthopaedic surgeon back after augmenting his expertise in knee and hip replacement from Germany.

If the people of the region don’t pay attention to their eating habits and adopt a balanced life-style then, there is a possibility of people getting affected by joint pains in the younger age. These concerning views were expressed by Orthopaedic Surgeon at DMC&H - Dr. Pankaj Mahindra, who has recently come back after undergoing exclusive training in hip and knee replacement from world renowned joint replacement centre in Germany.
People living in this part of the region don’t pay much attention to their eating habits. Young people rarely take fresh fruits and vegetables in their regular diet and tend to be more prone to obesity and excessive weight due to wrong life-style and intake of junk foods. It is a tragic that the percentage of overweight children in urban areas is growing at an alarming rate. Many kids spend less time exercising and more time in front of the TV, computer, or video-game console. And today's busy families have fewer free moments to prepare nutritious, home-cooked meals. Parents have to prevent their kids from becoming overweight and make them eat nutritious food and indulge them in healthy lifestyle.
Dr. Pankaj Mahindra’s enriched experience will definitely enhance the quality of treatment for patient suffering from hip and joint pains. Around 50 percent of populations above fifty years of age suffer from knee and joint ailments and it is estimated that 60 percent of such patients need knee replacement surgery to get rid of unbearable pain. The newly developed state-of-art Orthopaedics  Operation Theatre Complex at DMCH is of international standard and will  definitely benefit patients suffering from ailments of hip and
knee joints   by providing low-cost and high-quality medical care. It will also give an impetus to the growing medical tourism in the region.

सीएमसी डॉक्टर ने 1 दिन की बच्ची को बचाया और साबित किया कि "डॉक्टर भगवान का रूप होते हैं"

                       लुधियाना (द पंजाब न्यूज एचएस किट्टी)   25 फरवरी 2023 को अस्पताल के बाहर एलएससीएस द्वारा कुछ घंटे की नवजात बच्ची का...