Friday, November 23, 2018

Free checkup camp and surgeries for children with deformities and neurological problems-by Cmc hospital and the Rock foundation.

There was a free check-up and screening camp for children with deformities and neurological problems in Ekamjot Viklang Bacchon ka School in BRS nagar. The camp was arranged by The Rock Foundation in association with Christian Medical College & Hospital Ludhiana, such camps have been arranged for the past 3 years for the poor and marginalized children who can't afford treatment. Dr Ritesh Pandey, a pediatric orthopaedician and Dr Vineet Jaison, a neurologist, both from CMC & H, lead the check up, along with resident doctors. A total of 24 children were screened out of which 9 were selected for surgeries for deformity correction. Mr Pankaj Jain from the Rock Foundation said that their complete treatment including surgeries and follow ups will be free of cost to the children as the expenses will be borne by the foundation.
Mrs Satwinder Kaur the principal of the school said that she is taking care of more than 40 children, most of whom have been neglected by their families. As Gandhiji said, we need to be the change we want to see on the world. These efforts for these children will certainly change the world for them

सीएमसी डॉक्टर ने 1 दिन की बच्ची को बचाया और साबित किया कि "डॉक्टर भगवान का रूप होते हैं"

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