Thursday, May 3, 2018

media is the fourth pillar of democracy. dr wilam bhatti

Dr. William Bhatti, Director of Christian Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana, on World Press Freedom Day 3 may
  has stated that media is the fourth pillar of democracy.
A free press is essential for peace, justice and human rights for all. It is crucial to building transparent and democratic societies and keeping those in power accountable. It is vital for sustainable development.
Journalists and media workers shine a light on local and global challenges and tell the stories that need to be told. Their service to the public is invaluable.
Laws that protect independent journalism, freedom of expression and the right to information need to be adopted, implemented and enforced. Crimes against journalists must be prosecuted.
On World Press Freedom Day 2018, I call on governments to strengthen press freedom, and to protect journalists. Promoting a free press is standing up for our right to truth
Dr William Bhatti also requested that the media should help to bring all the problem related to health issues and all health polices in the reach every citizen. Awareness for health insurances is equally important.
Harminder Singh kitty

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