Tuesday, October 29, 2019


LUDHIANA (THEPUNJAB NEWS )World Stroke day was observed  at Christian Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana on 29th October, 2019 on the theme “ Don’t Be The One” under the guidance of Mrs. Ritu P. Naihar Assoc. Prof. (Head of Medical Surgical Nursing Dept.) and faculty of College of Nursing , CMC & Hospital , Ludhiana. M.Sc. (N) 1st & 2nd Year and B.Sc.(N) 3rd Year students organized poster exhibition and  provided education to the patients and their relatives regarding Stroke which means sudden change in the blood supply to the part of the brain causing a loss of ability to move particular part of the body,  its risk factors like Hypertension, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Smoking, Alcohol consumption & History of Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) etc.,

 They also emphasized on  different types of Stroke like Hemorrhagic stroke , Ischemic stroke and TIA and early manifestations of Stroke like muscular weakness, visual disturbances, difficulty in speech, reduced sensation, headache, mental confusion and about FAST F- Facial deviation, A- Arm weakness, S- Slurred speech, T-Time to Call, and management of stroke i.e. if the patient reaches to the hospital in window period (from onset of symptoms till 4 and half hours) he can be given TPA (Tissue Plasminogen Activator) which restores blood flow by dissolving the clot and is beneficial for the  patient to  live a normal life without complications of stroke. As per the theme, students focused on the prevention of the stroke which included avoiding and controlling Hypertension  & Obesity, quitting alcohol drinking and smoking, doing daily exercise for half an hour & healthy diet i.e. cutting down extra fats and oils and increasing more fruits and vegetables in the diet and  having regular check up of Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar in the late 40s. The Principal of College of Nursing, Dr. Reena Jairus appreciated the students and faculty for their hard work. Patients and their relatives, staff and employees found the exhibition very interesting, educative & appreciated the hard work put in by the teachers along with students.

सीएमसी डॉक्टर ने 1 दिन की बच्ची को बचाया और साबित किया कि "डॉक्टर भगवान का रूप होते हैं"

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