Monday, December 2, 2019

International Day of Person with Disability

International Day of Person with Disabilities (02/12/2019) is an international observance promoted by United Nations since 1992. The Observance of the Day aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. It also seeks to increase awareness of gains to be derived from the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life. Each year the UN announces annual theme.

This year’s theme is “The future is accessible,”
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR) Christian Medical College and Hospital (CMC&H), Ludhiana thoughtfully celebrated this event by organizing an awareness program on 02/12/2019 (Monday) at CMC & Hospital. On this auspicious occasion of “international day of persons with disability”, 250 people gathered in the hospital premises including 100 differently abled people.
Dr. William Bhatti, Director CMC & H, Ludhiana encouraged the “Divyangs” through his thoughtful words and experience. He also emphasized and praised PMR department for their efforts and dedication towards empowerment of people with disabilities
Miss Amrita singh, (ADC) Ludhiana, graced the occasion as chief guest. She felt proud to be there and happy to see the improvement in specially abled persons. She appreciated department of PMR, CMC hospital for all the aid they are providing to the people of the city.
Mrs. Inderjeet Kaur DSSO Ludhiana, Mr,Kuldeep singh and Mr. Gulzar shah from Sarav siksha Abhiyan (SSA) were also present there in the to grace the occasion.     
Parents of Divyang children expressed their experience about rehabilitation services provided by PMR department and thanked Dr. Santhosh and his team for their efforts in making their children independent in all aspects of their daily life.
Dr. Santhosh Mathangi, Head of PMR, CMC thanked all dignitaries and people for making this event a success with special thanks to the Chief Guest Miss. Amrita Singh. He appealed to the crowd that we must come together for a better world and for equal rights for all differently abled. He thanked Dr. William Bhatti for his support and guidance.
Divyang students from SSA showcased their talents through cultural activities including action songs, Giddha and dance. Divyang children admitted in PMR ward of hospital performed action song which received loud cheers from the crowd.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

1st Annual National Conference Paediatric and Neonatal Nurses Forum, India “PNNFICON 2019” in collaboration with PNNFI – COLLEGE OF NURSING,CMCH,

LUDHIANA (THE PUNJAB NEWS)The College of Nursing, Christian Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab hosted the          1st Annual National Conference Paediatric and Neonatal Nurses Forum, India  “PNNFICON 2019” in collaboration with PNNFI on the theme “Exploring Advancement and Innovations in Paediatric & Neonatal Care”. Three days conference was concluded with a warm valedictory session at Guy Constable Auditorium, CMC & Hospital, Ludhiana.

At the valedictory session, Dr. Reena Jairus, Professor & Principal, College of Nursing, CMC & Hospital, Ludhiana proposed heartfelt thanks to the all dignitaries, chairpersons, resource persons and the delegates. Total eight research papers & five research posters were presented. Ms. Indu Bala got first prize & Ms. Jyoti Devi got second prize for the research poster whereas Ms. Sumit Jassal got first prize & Mrs. Richa Justin Hans got second prize for research paper presentation.

Dr. Usha Singh, Dr. Arun Jindal and Dr. Kedar Choudhary were honoured as judges for the research poster presentation. Prof. Seema Barnabas, Prof. Glory Samuel & Mr. Bhim Singh Rawat were honoured as judges for the research paper presentations.

Chairpersons & resource persons of preconference workshop and co-ordinators of different committees were also honoured. Dr. Rupa Shree & Mrs. Geetha Rani felicitated & said that PNNFI is the right platform for the nurse researchers to generate ideas, share innovative techniques and research findings to improve nursing care. Topics like ‘Bioethics in maternal & child care’, ‘Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karykarm’ (RBSK),  ‘Essential care of baby born with congenital malformation’ and ‘Management of common new natal emergencies’ were well appreciated by the participants.     

A very interactive panel discussion on best practices in nursing mothers & human milk banking was conducted. Emphasis was laid upon maternal screening before human milk banking.  Prof. Pity Koul, Dr. Reena Jairus, Dr. Shashi Mawar, Mrs. Balqis Victor and Mrs. Rupinder Deol were the panelists.

Dr. Reena Jairus, Dr. Gurmeet Kaur,  Prof. Pity Koul, Prof. Bhavneet Bharti, Prof. H.C.L. Rawat, Mrs. Prem Lata Prakash, Dr. Ramesh Kumari, Prof.(Mrs.) Glory Samuel, Dr. Smriti Arora,           Ms. Vibha & Ms. Krishnavenni R were the chairpersons for different sessions of the conference.

Dr. Shashi Kant  Dhir, Dr. Monika Sharma, Dr. Poonam Joshi, Dr. Amanpreet Sethi, Dr. Shilpa Sharma, Dr. Smriti Arora, Prof. Bhavneet Bharti, Prof. Urmil Bhardwaj, Ms. Srinithya Raghavan, Mr. Dinesh K. Verma, Dr. Shashi Mawar, Dr. Reena Jairus, Mrs. Prem Lata Prakash, Ms. Indu Bala, Mrs. Deepika David, Mrs. Jatinder Kaur, Mrs. Elizabeth Scott, Mrs. Meenakshi Shekhar and                 Ms. Simranjit Kaur were the resource persons for the conference. Certificates were distributed to the participants & conference was well appreciated by the delegates.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

College of Nursing, Christian Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab hosted the 1st Annual National Conference Paediatric and Neonatal Nurses Forum, India “PNNFICON 2019”

    LUDHIANA (THE PUNJJAB NEWS ) The College of Nursing, Christian Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab hosted the          1st Annual National Conference Paediatric and Neonatal Nurses Forum, India  “PNNFICON 2019in collaboration with PNNFI on the theme “Exploring Advancement and Innovations in Paediatric & Neonatal Care” from 20th to 22nd November 2019. Preconference workshop was held on 20.11.19 with thought provoking key note lectures and hands on work stations by the experienced National Nursing faculty to promote learning in Paediatric & Neonatal Health care. 

On 21.11.19, at the inaugural function, Dr. Reena Jairus, Professor & Principal, College of Nursing, CMC & Hospital, Ludhiana welcomed the dignitaries. Dr. Deepak Bhatti, Dean (College Development), Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot was the Chief Guest of the occasion, he  expressed his views and said that it’s a dawn of new era for specialization in Nursing. He also emphasized on the contribution of College of Nursing CMC in the impartation of Quality Nursing Education for over 125 yrs. Dr. Pity Koul, President PNNFI unfolded the theme and spoke about the importance of advance and innovative practice in Paediatric Nursing. Prof. H.C.L. Rawat, Secretary PNNFI introduced the Forum and said that PNNFI was originated with the aim to share knowledge and experience by the Paediatric Nurses nationwide. Ms. Gladis S Kumar, Nursing Superintendent, CMC & H, was also honored at the inaugural session. Mrs. Premlata Prakash, organizing secretary delivered the vote of thanks.   

Chair persons, Resource persons and around 300 delegates from all over Punjab, Haryana, Delhi Himachal Pradesh, Odisha, J & K, Rajasthan, Bihar and Uttrakhand attended the preconference workshop and conference.  The plenary sessions and guest lectures were conducted by eminent speakers.  Scientific paper presentations and Research Poster display were an important feature of the conference. To make the event Eco-friendly, saplings were distributed to the chairpersons and to the resource persons. Prizes were distributed to the winners and certificates to the participants at the valedictory session. Conference was much appreciated by the participants.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

40 लाख फीस देकर 3 साल से भटक रहे MBBS स्टूडेंट्स की कहानी सुन सिस्टम से ...

CME on "Clinical Updates on Obstetrics & Gynaecology" was held at Christian Medical College and Hospital,Ludhiana

 LUDHIANA( THE PUNJAB NEWS)A CME on "Clinical Updates on Obstetrics & Gynaecology" was held at Christian Medical College and Hospital , organized by the Department  of Obstetrics & Gynaecolgy with Dr Kavita Mandrelle Bhatti , Head of the Department as the Organizing Secretary on 16 th November 2019. The CME was organized to mark the 125 years of celebrations of the institution. It focussed on High  risk Obstetric care and Infertility  management 

. The chief guest , Civil Surgeon, Dr Rajesh Bagga emphasized on bringing down maternal mortality rates. The CME had eminent speakers and chairpersons  from Punjab, Delhi , Himachal Pradesh , Chandigarh, CMC Vellore and Australia. It was awarded four credit hours by the Punjab Medical Council and was attended by 120 delegates .

 The CME included a quiz competition which had teams from CMC, DMC, Faridkot, Patiala, Ambala Medical Colleges and Apollo hospital Ludhiana. The first winning team was from DMC , second from CMC and the third position was taken up by Faridkot medical college. Besides this a panel discussion on the various aspects of treatment in endometriosis was held . A Rangoli competition for 

the postgraduate students on the theme of "Save the Girl Child" was also held . The CME was appreciated by all attendees

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


LUDHIANA (THEPUNJAB NEWS )World Stroke day was observed  at Christian Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana on 29th October, 2019 on the theme “ Don’t Be The One” under the guidance of Mrs. Ritu P. Naihar Assoc. Prof. (Head of Medical Surgical Nursing Dept.) and faculty of College of Nursing , CMC & Hospital , Ludhiana. M.Sc. (N) 1st & 2nd Year and B.Sc.(N) 3rd Year students organized poster exhibition and  provided education to the patients and their relatives regarding Stroke which means sudden change in the blood supply to the part of the brain causing a loss of ability to move particular part of the body,  its risk factors like Hypertension, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Smoking, Alcohol consumption & History of Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) etc.,

 They also emphasized on  different types of Stroke like Hemorrhagic stroke , Ischemic stroke and TIA and early manifestations of Stroke like muscular weakness, visual disturbances, difficulty in speech, reduced sensation, headache, mental confusion and about FAST F- Facial deviation, A- Arm weakness, S- Slurred speech, T-Time to Call, and management of stroke i.e. if the patient reaches to the hospital in window period (from onset of symptoms till 4 and half hours) he can be given TPA (Tissue Plasminogen Activator) which restores blood flow by dissolving the clot and is beneficial for the  patient to  live a normal life without complications of stroke. As per the theme, students focused on the prevention of the stroke which included avoiding and controlling Hypertension  & Obesity, quitting alcohol drinking and smoking, doing daily exercise for half an hour & healthy diet i.e. cutting down extra fats and oils and increasing more fruits and vegetables in the diet and  having regular check up of Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar in the late 40s. The Principal of College of Nursing, Dr. Reena Jairus appreciated the students and faculty for their hard work. Patients and their relatives, staff and employees found the exhibition very interesting, educative & appreciated the hard work put in by the teachers along with students.

Friday, October 25, 2019

How to Protect your eyes this Diwali Dr. Rupali chopra

Ludhiana (The Punjab News H S KITTY )Diwali celebrations mean a lot of fun and enjoyment, but with incidents of eye injuries and even loss of eyesight being reported every year, it’s crucial to take safety measures. In fact, eyes are the second-most common affected area during Diwali after hands and fingers. As expected, the leading cause of injuries on Diwali is the lack of appropriate safety measures while lighting fireworks.
Here are some tips shared by Dr. Rupali chopra Hod Ophthalmology, Christian Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana which will help you have a happy and safe Diwali!
Eye care tips During Diwali
Irritation caused by smoke-emitting crackers
Some major precautionary measures to be taken during bursting crackers are to fire them in open spaces, covering your eyes with goggles or tested spectacles and wash your hands a number of times to protect yourself from harmful chemicals, says Dr. Rupali chopra. Also defuse used fireworks properly by soaking them in a bucket of water before disposal.
Caution for people who wear contact lenses
Dr. Rupali chopra suggests to always remove your contact lenses before going out to fire cracker. Use a spare glass instead, which can protect your eyes in a better way. Contact lenses may cause irritation to the eyes if exposed to direct heat for a long time. Maintain a distance of an arm’s length while lighting firecrackers, and at least five metres while watching.
In case of an eye injury.
In case you get an eye injury with crackers, the first step should be to wash your eyes and face properly. Wash your hands before splashing water on the face. Do not rub or scratch your eyes. If there is bleeding in the eye, use a patch to cover up the wounded area and immediately rush to the nearest hospital, adds Dr. Rupali chopra warns that all types of crackers are harmful and any kind of cracker can be dreadful for your eyes. So it's best to avoid highly combustive crackers. Avoid sparklers that reach temperatures as high as 1000°C – high enough to melt gold and cause serious injury.
Injury leading to permanent vision loss
Any kind of cracker injury can harm the eye, which can result in permanent vision loss if the condition is severe. The damage of the eye by a cracker depends on the velocity of the cracker or the intensity by which it hits the eye, the second one is the chemical reaction in the eye and the third is the thermal burn, which is the heat that is caused by the cracker.

Be cautious

Dr. Rupali Chopra said do not ignore pain, redness,watering or decreased vision following fire cracker injury to the eye. Report to the Hospital Immediately.

Always burst crackers in an open space, wear goggles, wash hands with sanitizers. Children should be supervised while playing with crackers. Never take any injury lightly; visit a doctor and take professional help. Keep fireworks away from the face, hair and clothing. Keep a bucket of water and sand readily available for dousing in case of accidental fire. C M C Emergency SERVICES 24x7 HELPLINE 9815807250- 9115514700

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A one-day workshop on ‘Basic Life Support’ was organized by Maharishi Markandeshwar College of Nursing, M.M. University, Kumarhatti,

     Solan, 19 October 2019: (H. S KITTY ) The Department of Maharishi Markandeshwar College of Nursing Kumarhatti, Solan organized a one day workshop on “Basic Life Support”. The programme started by lamp lighting ceremony and Saraswati Vandana, followed by welcome address by Dr.(Mrs.) Jasbir Kaur, Principal MMCON organizing chairperson of the workshop. Chief guest Dr. Prabhjot Saini, Professor, Mr. Ajay Singal, Registrar MMU Solan, Medical Superintendent Dr. Ram Krishan Sharma, Deputy Medical Superintendent Dr. Manpreet Singh Nanda, Nursing Superintendent Ms. Sunita Guerra Threfall (MMMC&H), Ms. Monika Sharma, Associate Professor and Ms. Shivani Kalra, Assistant Professor were present in inaugural session.
Dr. Vipin Saini, Vice Chancellor, Maharishi Markandeswar University, Solan and Principal, Maharishi Markandeshwar Medical College and Hospital appreciated the efforts of the faculty members of M.M. College of Nursing.

Chancellor of Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Shri Tarsem Garg and Secretary Mr. Sanjeev Garg ji appreciated the successful holding of one day workshop on “Basic Life Support” by faculty members and emphasized that such events are regularly held should be organized to increase the knowledge of students as well as faculty members.
Dr. Prabhjot Saini, Professor, DMC College of Nursing, Ludhiana, Punjabdelivered the inaugural speech.She highlighted the Critical concepts of High Quality CPR and steps of BLS, Responsiveness Activation of Emergency Response System & Assessment, Chest Compression, Airway & Breathing, Automated External Defibrilator (AED), Algorithm, and Hands on Skill.To impart in-depth knowledge and valuable training of life saving skills to the students.

The interactive training session was elaborately conducted by experts.
The workshop culminated with vote of thanks by Ms. Varinder Kaur, Assistant Professor MMCON. Certificates were distributed among the delegates.The workshop was attended by a 35students, teachers and employees of the University of Kumarhatti Solan.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Zhengzhou University

Zhengzhou University was established on July 10, 2000 on the basis of the amalgamation of the three former individual universities, namely the former Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou University of Technology and Henan Medical University

. The former Zhengzhou University was the first comprehensive university established by the state in 1956. The former Zhengzhou University of Technology established in 1963 was the national key university under the direct administration of the former Ministry of Chemical Engineering in China. 

The former Henan Medical University founded in 1928 was the key medical college under the direct administration of Henan Province.Zhengzhou University covers 12 fields of study, including science, engineering, medicine, literature, history, philosophy, law, economics, management science, pedagogy, agriculture and arts. It is among the group admitted into Project 211, the sole university in Henan supported by the Midwest Universities Comprehensive Strength Promotion


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

White Coat Ceremony in CMC for new MBBS students

LUDHIANA (THE PUNJAB NEWS)Christian Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana organised the White coat ceremony for the MBBS batch of 2019 students. This ceremony was held on the conclusion of the one month long ‘Foundation Course’ which was introduced as part of the New MBBS competency based curriculum released by the Medical Council of India this year. CMC admits 75 students in each batch of MBBS. Dr. William Bhatti, Director CMC spoke about importance of getting inducted into a noble profession that demands the students to learn not only the knowledge but also a number of skills. He added that the white coat adds responsibility to young doctors for the patients and society.   The White Coat Ceremony oath was administered to the first year students by the Principal, CMC, Dr Jeyaraj D. Pandian where the students pledged their loyalty to the profession of Medicine. This is a significant milestone in the lives of the budding doctors in their journey of lifelong learning in this profession. Dr. Jeyaraj said that the new entrants into medical profession need to follow professional ethics while serving the humanity. Dr. Dinesh K. Badyal, Professor of Pharmacology and Professor of Medical Education, CMC Ludhiana and Convenor of the MCI Nodal center said that the 2019 MBBS batch is the pioneer batch who are undergoing the New Curriculum of MCI. Dr. Badyal and Dr, Abhilasha William coordinated the one month long Foundation Course which has been introduced first time in the country under new curriculum of MBBS. Under  Foundation Course the various new sessions were conducted for the fresh MBBS entrants including time management, stress management, professionalism, safety precautions, basic life support, doctors & society, communication skills, alternative health care, cultural competency, gender concerns, disability issues, community health, working in health care teams, sports, language issues and computer skills. A number of experts conducted these sessions. The ceremony concluded with all the students being given professional white coats by the Principal who handed over the white coats to class representatives.  This was followed by all the students of MBBS2019 batch who donned the white coats for the first time as they entered into the  medical college to become the Indian Medical Graduates in  this 125 years old renowned college known for its healing, medical education and research. The official prayer was led By Rev. Alex Peter. The vice principals and heads of first professional year were present at the event.

ਤਕਨੀਕੀ ਸਰੀਰਕ ਥੈਰੇਪੀ ਦੀਆਂ ਤਕਨੀਕਾਂ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਦਿਆਂ ਪੁਰਾਣੀ ਮਾਸਪੇਸ਼ੀ ਦੀਆਂ ਬਿਮਾਰੀਆਂ ਦਾ ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧਨ ਕਰਨਾ

ਸੀਐਮਸੀ ਐਂਡ ਐਚ ਦੇ ਫਿਜ਼ੀਓਥੈਰੇਪੀ ਕਾਲਜ, ਲੁਧਿਆਣਾ ਨੇ ਫਿਜ਼ੀਓਥੈਰਾਪੀ ਪੇਸ਼ੇਵਰਾਂ, ਸਿਖਿਆਰਥੀਆਂ ਅਤੇ ਵਿਦਿਆਰਥੀਆਂ ਲਈ ਅਤਿ ਆਧੁਨਿਕ ਸਰੀਰਕ ਥੈਰੇਪੀ ਦੀਆਂ ਤਕਨੀਕਾਂ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਦਿਆਂ ਪੁਰਾਣੀ ਮਾਸਪੇਸ਼ੀ ਦੀਆਂ ਬਿਮਾਰੀਆਂ ਦੇ ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧਨ ਬਾਰੇ ਦੋ ਦਿਨਾਂ ਸੈਸ਼ਨ ਦਾ ਆਯੋਜਨ ਕੀਤਾ. ਇਸ ਸੈਸ਼ਨ ਦੀ ਪ੍ਰਧਾਨਗੀ ਆਸਟਰੇਲੀਆ ਦੇ ਬਨੇਗਾ ਹਸਪਤਾਲ ਦੇ ਪ੍ਰਮੁੱਖ ਡਾਕਟਰ ਅਤੇ ਸੀਨੀਅਰ ਫਿਜ਼ੀਓ ਡਾ. ਕੈਥੀ ਵਾਰਡ ਨੇ ਕੀਤਾ.

ਡਾ. ਵਾਰਡ ਨੇ ਜੋੜਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਮਾਸਪੇਸ਼ੀ ਦੇ ਦਰਦ ਨਾਲ ਨਜਿੱਠਣ ਲਈ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਉੱਨਤ ਪ੍ਰਕਿਰਿਆਵਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਰੀੜ੍ਹ ਦੀ ਹੱਡੀ ਦੇ ਰੋਗਾਂ ਦੀ ਜਾਂਚ ਲਈ ਵਿਸਥਾਰਤ ਮੁਲਾਂਕਣ ਤਕਨੀਕਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸਿਖਾਇਆ. ਉਸਨੇ ਦੁਨੀਆ ਭਰ ਦੇ ਡਾਕਟਰਾਂ ਦੀ ਵੱਧ ਰਹੀ ਮੰਗ ਅਤੇ ਫਿਜ਼ੀਓਥੈਰਾਪਿਸਟ ਵਜੋਂ ਆਸਟਰੇਲੀਆ ਪਹੁੰਚਣ ਦੇ ਤਰੀਕਿਆਂ ਬਾਰੇ ਵੀ ਦੱਸਿਆ।
ਫਿਜ਼ੀਓਥੈਰੇਪੀ ਕਾਲਜ ਦੇ ਪ੍ਰਿੰਸੀਪਲ ਡਾ. ਸੰਦੀਪ ਸਿੰਘ ਸੈਣੀ ਨੇ ਕਿਹਾ ਕਿ ਅਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਵਿਦਿਆਰਥੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਉੱਤਮ ਵਿੱਦਿਆ ਪ੍ਰਦਾਨ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਤਨਦੇਹੀ ਨਾਲ ਕੰਮ ਕਰ ਰਹੇ ਹਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਮਰੀਜ਼ਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਵਧੀਆ ਦੇਖਭਾਲ ਮੁਹੱਈਆ ਕਰਵਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਵਚਨਬੱਧ ਹਾਂ। ਇਸ ਤੋਂ ਇਲਾਵਾ, ਉਸਨੇ ਕਿਹਾ ਕਿ ਅਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਵਿਦਿਆਰਥੀਆਂ ਦੇ ਗਿਆਨ ਨੂੰ ਵਧਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਅੰਤਰਰਾਸ਼ਟਰੀ ਫਿਜ਼ੀਓਥੈਰੇਪੀ ਮਾਹਰਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਬੁਲਾਉਣਾ ਜਾਰੀ ਰੱਖਦੇ ਹਾਂ.
ਡਾ. ਸੈਣੀ ਨੇ ਅੰਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਡਾ. ਕੈਥੀ ਦਾ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Department of Ophthalmology, Christian Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana, organized the 15th Annual Ophthalmic Quiz

The Department of Ophthalmology, Christian Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana, organized the 15th Annual Ophthalmic Quiz and Awareness talks for Doctors and Medical students on 4th September, 2019.

The Chief Guest for the occasion was Dr. William Bhatti, Director, CMC & H, who has always encouraged & appreciated the efforts of the Department in organizing such academic sessions and also in spreading awareness about common eye disorders. The Guest of Honour, Dr. Jeyaraj D Pandian, Principal, CMCL reiterated the importance of having regular academic sessions for all the students.

Among the 50 undergraduate MBBS teams, 5 teams had qualified for the quiz following the preliminary round. Dr. Nitin Batra and Dr. Anubhav Baveja conducted the finals.  

Dr Jeena Thomas and Dr Josia John from the Batch of 2014 emerged as the Champions in the closely contested quiz.

Miss Blossom Jose Chacko and Mr. Lakshit Pasricha, 4th year students from the MBBS Batch of 2016 presented interesting talks on “The Mind Game” and “ Rewind, Fast Forward” respectively.

Other dignitaries to attend this event included the Medical Superintendent, the Nursing Superintendent, Principals of CDC, CON, COP and IAHS and several Senior Administrators and faculty members along with all the under-graduate students.

Harminder Singh Kitty
thepunjabnews@gmail .com

सीएमसी डॉक्टर ने 1 दिन की बच्ची को बचाया और साबित किया कि "डॉक्टर भगवान का रूप होते हैं"

                       लुधियाना (द पंजाब न्यूज एचएस किट्टी)   25 फरवरी 2023 को अस्पताल के बाहर एलएससीएस द्वारा कुछ घंटे की नवजात बच्ची का...